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Hiring Myth #10

Myths Busted

Myth #10: Investing in employee satisfaction makes good business sense.                                                

Many organizations believe that satisfied employees are profitable employees… and so they invest heavily in perks they think their employees will appreciate – everything from elaborate cafeterias to on-site concierge services, generous benefits and perks through day care. While those features may add to buzz and ‘cool’ factor, they are expensive and generally have very limited if any ROI.

The truth is, there is no documented relationship between employee satisfaction and business performance. A happy workforce is not necessarily a more productive workforce.

The factor that is a predictor of performance and productivity, and it is in fact the most reliable predictor, is something called engagement. Engagement is all about how focused and committed your people are to hitting and exceeding your shared objectives – how much sweat, effort and creativity they are willing to put in of their own free will.

The best part is that engagement doesn’t cost you much. But you do have to set the stage for it by paying attention to the leading indicators of fit. You can rely on the Fit First Philosophy… it will power your business to better results and a stronger P&L.


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