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We install a unique fit based system that helps you attract and engage the RIGHT people

Hiring Tools: The Profiles Sales Assessment

chartImagine what you could achieve in your business if you could identify that little bit of DNA that sets your best apart from the rest... But just what is it that defines yout top performers? Contrary t...

"I run a commercial cleaning business where my clients give us the keys to their offices and their alarm codes. So the most important qualities I'm looking for in my employees are things like reliability, trustworthiness and a good work ethic ..."

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"When I started with Credit Union Atlantic, I inherited six out-of- date resumes in a file. This was our recruitment strategy at the time. It took us at least 6 to 8 weeks to fill a gap in the organization and for a company with only 85 employees that was a real problem ..."

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"When I was CEO of the Lung Association, I brought in the HiringSmart system because I didn't feel confident judging candidates from their résumés ..."

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"We found you can have a candidate who interviews very well, but at the end of the day they're simply not matched to the kind of work you want them to do. With HiringSmart we profiled our top performers and matched recruits to that profile, helping us focus our recruitment energy and strategy on those who can do the best job."

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"There's really a science to hiring. There really need to be a method to the madness, you can't just wing it, you can't just go on gut feeling and instinct. HiringSmart taught us that there's a very well- defined process that you need to go through in order to significantly mitigate the risk of making a poor hiring decision."

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"One of the things that's different now that we've been using HiringSmart is that fact that we have a lower turnover, the quality of the candidates that we're interviewing and hiring is much higher. HiringSmart has enabled us to find people and hire people that are really a good fit with the organization."

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"Once we started working with HiringSmart we got an opportunity to really look deeper than a resume. We actually got to look into people's behaviors and skills and lots about their characteristics that really didn't jump out at us when we were simple looking at resumes."

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"We've been HiringSmart since 2006. Before, there was a lack of consistency and a lack of process in hiring. Through the HiringSmart process we see an improved confidence around hiring. The data shows we are making better hiring decisions."

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"We need to find people who could sell, not just take orders' The people we hired using HiringSmart can actually deliver the results we need. That is the bottom line."

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"When I was looking for a job, online was the only place I looked. I've been with the company a short time but I definitely feel that I'm a fit for what they were looking for. It's a good program both for an employee or the person who's looking to hire."

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"We have identified that HR is the most significant lever that any health care professional can utilize to improve their patient experience. Hiring the right people and keeping them motivated and engaged is absolutely essential. The HiringSmart system adds significant and valuable information in helping you make better decisions."

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"We placed an ad and got hundreds of resumes. The HiringSmart system is efficient at weeding out the candidates and providing a good pool of those we should be focusing on. We get outstanding people- that's the end result."

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"We were wasting a lot of time, money and effort in the traditional hiring system. From our perspective HiringSmart is the best thing we ever did-we have been successful at finding good people."

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"The HiringSmart system does the work of a sophisticated HR person to identify the right candidates to potentially interview. Having people seeking you out is one of the things that has been the most pleasant surprise. It allows us to have access to candidates that we would not have had."

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"We used the profiling tool for our administration and management staff. By using this tool we found a strong match for a new position within an existing employee. It helps making sure you have not put a square peg in a round hole."

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A New Lesson in Resilience

chartThe notion of dropping the resume and using candidate fit as the primary admission ticket is revolutionary... but we take our courage from the knowledge that we can back it up with numerous case studi...