The privacy of your personal information is of the utmost importance to HiringSmart. Any information gathered by HiringSmart will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used or shared in ways for which you have specifically consented. HiringSmart will not sell, rent or trade your personal information to any third party. We will take special care to protect the privacy and security of your information.

HiringSmart complies with regulations set out by PIPEDA and rulings of the Privacy Commissioner for Canada. Visit for information on PIPEDA and a sampling of rulings relating to privacy and the collection of personal information. HiringSmart obtains all personal information about job applicants with expressed written consent. Information is delivered to our client with express written consent.

This policy explains our information practices and the choices you can make about the way HiringSmart collects and uses your information. This Privacy Policy covers the information you provide to us offline and at HiringSmart web sites ( and

We also have the signed privacy policies of each of our suppliers.

To assist you with reading through our Privacy Policy, we have provided answers to questions that you may find most important:

How does HiringSmart collect and use my information?

HiringSmart collects and uses your personal information to respond to your requests for information, products and services. We also occasionally purchase lists from reputable providers, for the purposes of marketing. We honor your wish to unsubscribe at any time and manage your subscription; unless we have your express consent when you provide your information, your personal information will only be used or shared to fulfill your request. We also use the employee or potential employee information provided to us to conduct online assessments or background checks that you request.

Information you provide

HiringSmart collects personal information when you:

  • Subscribe to our monthly newsletter
  • Your e-mail address will be used to send you our monthly newsletter. Your address and telephone number will only be used for administrative purposes (i.e., send you a paper invoice) or, if you opt-in to receive additional information. You may subscribe or unsubscribe from our e-mail communications at any time.
  • Download documents from our website
  • We require you to provide your contact information when you download documents from our website. We use this information to follow up with you to see if there is any other information that may be helpful to you.
  • Fill out an application on a hiring portal
  • This information is only given to the company that you are applying to and not used for any reason, other than an application for employment.
  • Request products or services
  • For example a TalentSeeker website, online assessments, background checks, etc. Information such as name, e-mail address, phone number, physical address and company-related information may be requested. If you purchase one of our products, we may also collect a valid credit card number, expiration date and billing address. Assessment booklets and scoring sheets are kept in our office for a maximum of one year and are shredded at that time. Any employee or potential employee information that you provide to set up the assessment/background check is only used for that purpose and at the agreement of the employee or potential employee (by signing the agreement form).
  • Contact HiringSmart with a question or suggestion
  • We collect your name, e-mail address and any comments you have. We only use this information to respond to and/or resolve your question or concern.

Does HiringSmart share my personal information?

Unless we have your express consent, HiringSmart will NOT sell, rent or trade personal information such as e-mail lists or phone numbers to any third party. We treat all information you provide as confidential. We may from time to time ask permission from a company to analyze the assessment data we have collected to create a case study. This will only be done with the permission of the company and will only be shared with permission of the company. These case studies could also be presented as an anonymous company if they do not want the company info to be shared. This will also only be done with consent from the company.

Do I have choices regarding how my information is used?

You remain in control of your information. HiringSmart will NOT use or share the personal information we collect in ways unrelated to the purpose for which you provided the information without first obtaining your consent. At the time you provide your information, you can choose whether you want to receive further communications, such as our monthly newsletter or marketing messages. If you do opt-in to our monthly newsletter, you can opt-out at any time. All e-mail communications from us, such as the newsletters, tell you how to stop receiving them.

Can I access, update or delete my information?

HiringSmart wants your information and preferences to be accurate and complete. If you would like to access or update the personal information we maintain about you in our systems, please call 1-800-513-7277 or email us at

How does HiringSmart secure my personal information?

HiringSmart uses a variety of safeguards to protect your information from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. We maintain our own servers at a secure location.

Whom can I contact if I have questions or concerns?

Please contact our Privacy Officer, Esther VanGorder, to report any known or suspected privacy or security breaches or to submit privacy-related questions or complaints. After receiving your inquiry, we will respond within five business days. You may contact us in the following ways:

1. Postal Mail
Privacy Officer
102-1200 Tower Road
Halifax, NS B3H 4K6

2. Email:

3. Phone: 1-800-513-7277

Will this privacy change?

If there are changes or additions to this Privacy Policy, we will post those changes on our website ( so that you will always know what information we collect online or offline, how we use it and what choices you have. Regardless of any changes we make to our Privacy Policy, we will only use your personal information in accordance with the version of the Privacy Policy in place at the time you provided your information, unless you later give your express consent for us to do otherwise.

Creation Date: April 2, 2004

Revised: May 6, 2011


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