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Hiring Myth #8

Myths Busted

Myth #8: The quickest and surest way to gain an advantage over my competition is to hire away their top performer. Their loss is my gain                                              

True, high performers share a set of characteristics and core attitudes… but so much of their performance is tied up in other factors that are external to them. These factors can be summarised into four primary categories – fit with the manager, with the critical aspects of the role, with the people around them, and the organization’s culture and systems. Most often, poaching talent results in three losers – you, your competitor and the fallen star.

Change any one of those things, and performance will be impacted. The fact they are a consistently top performer in another organization, even in a similar role and industry, is no guarantee that they will be even an average performer in your organization. A far more effective strategy is to identify people who have the capacity to do well in the reality you present. When you find candidates who are at their best in the management climate you offer, who are drawing from their natural strengths and talents in the roles you offer, who engage easily and productively with the rest of the team and your customers, and who are proud to contribute to the organization… you have a winning combination.

The most valuable competitive advantage for any business is to staff with top performers who perform better and stay longer. You can rely on the Fit First Philosophy… it will power your business to better results and a stronger P&L.


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